Missional Moment

Over 2000 faculty find our weekly email newsletter helpful as they seek to live for Jesus and love the academy.

New FC Website Reveal!

The world desperately needs your God-given calling. We hope our new website helps you find the encouragement, resources, and community you need as a professor. Come write your chapter in God’s grander story.

Meet the Prof

Meet The Prof is a place to connect with a community of professors. We share a common love for students, for knowledge and for a free exchange of ideas. We are also followers of Christ, and believe He is the author of life. We’re honest about our own journeys, and we would love to hear about yours.

A Grander Story

What would it look like to live as part of God’s grander story as a faculty member on your campus? A Grander Story: An Invitation to Christian Professors by Rick Hove and Heather Holleman answers this question by providing a biblical understanding of a professor’s identity in Christ and unique calling to Christian scholarship, teaching, and department life. By showcasing a theology of the grander story, six faculty narratives, resources, and discussion questions along the way, A Grander Story both inspires and equips Christian faculty to think differently about their lives and work.

“This book is a celebration of our high calling as Christ followers on the university campus . . . Read this book to be uplifted, to find your place in God’s grand story, to know you are not alone, to integrate your faith and work, and to be equipped for ministry. Then give a copy to every Christian professor you know.” —Charles M. C. Lee, Moghadam Family Professor of Management, Stanford Graduate School of Business

Purchase A Grander Story
